Vuelve A Contármelo Todo Presented by Arca Images

Vuelve A Contármelo Todo Presented by Arca Images


Performance has been cancelled. If you have purchased $5 Culture Shock Miami tickets, you will automatically be refunded. Please allow up to 5 business days for the refund to be reflected on your account.


Un actor de reparto, cansado de la rutina. Una joven actriz, llena de ilusiones. Una cesta de manzanas cae al suelo y ellos por primera vez se miran. Un thriller sentimental con toques de comedia negra. Un hechizo arcaico libremente inspirado en Macbeth de Shakespeare. Una violenta reflexión, con el teatro a cuestas, sobre la sociedad de estos tiempos.


Teens and young adults ages 13-22 can buy tickets for $5 using the Get Tickets button below. With the purchase of one $5 ticket for someone within the age range, a second $5 ticket can be purchased for an individual of any age to join them.

Regular priced tickets for all other ages available at