Compañía Manuel Liñán: Muerta de amor Presented by Adrienne Arsht Center

Compañía Manuel Liñán: Muerta de amor Presented by Adrienne Arsht Center

In this new show, Manuel Liñán seeks sustenance through emotion and flesh, a journey to discover humanity’s need for connection. Featuring 12 artists onstage, the performance aims to create an atmosphere of desire, fantasy, provocation and intimacy.

Age Appropriateness: 13+

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#AdrienneArshtCenter #Arsht #flamenco



Teens and young adults ages 13-22 can buy tickets for $5 using the Get Tickets button below. With the purchase of one $5 ticket for someone within the age range, a second $5 ticket can be purchased for an individual of any age to join them.

Regular priced tickets for all other ages available at