Other Fun Stuff

Miradas Desde El Presente Presented by University of Miami Libraries

____________________________________ 20 de marzo del 2025 Puertas Abren y Recepción | 6:00 p.m. Programa | 6:30 p.m. ____________________________________ UN PANEL DE DISCUSIÓN CON Emilio Cueto - Abogado, Coleccionista, y Autor María de los Ángeles Torres - Profesora Distinguida de Estudios Latinoamericanos y Latinos, Universidad de Illinois en Chicago Javier Figueroa - Profesor Emérito de Historia, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Río Piedras Lisandro Pérez - Profesor de Estudios Latinoamericanos y Latinos, John Jay College, City University of New York MODERADO POR Michael J. Bustamante, Ph.D. Profesor Asociado de Historia y Catedrático Emilio Bacardí Moreau para Estudios Cubanos y Cubano-Americanos, Universidad de Miami ____________________________________ Fundado en 1969 en Washington, D.C., por María Cristina Herrera (1934-2010) y un grupo de académicos cubanos fuera de la isla, El Instituto de Estudios Cubanos (IEC), se dedicó al diálogo académico sobre la problemática cubana y jugó un papel crucial en la promoción de los estudios sobre Cuba en la academia estadounidense y global. Este panel, organizado en la Cuban Heritage Collection, que conserva el archivo administrativo del IEC, examinará la labor llevada a cabo por la organización durante más de 30 años y su legado para el campo de estudios cubanos contemporáneos. Este evento será presentado en español. El panel de discusión será seguido por una sesión de preguntas y respuestas con la audiencia.

Holi: Festival of Colors Presented by Miami Association of Indians for Culture and Arts

The month of March is the time to welcome spring, celebrate colors, enjoy the warming weather - perfect time to celebrate Holi- the festival of Colors. Put on your white outfits and come celebrate with the full family! Ticket price includes 2 color packets and a bottle of water. Experience a day filled with cultural show, electrifying Bollywood music by DJ Tanveer, and FREE 360 videos by Pixify 360 Available for purchase: Food, Henna Tattoos, Water Gun, Holi T-Shirt, Water gun.

Black Family Wellness Expo Presented by The Links Incorporated

Some of the activities the FREE event will include:  Family Fitness Classes for Adults and Children  FREE Dental Screenings with Colgate (RSVP Required)  Mental Health Checks & Resources  Hands-on Cooking Demos w/ Eat Well Exchange  Family Estate Planning  FREE Medical Exams  Neo Soul Yoga w/ Black Yogis of South Florida  Live DJ, Kids Petting Zoo and so much more!

The Peking Acrobats Presented by Adrienne Arsht Center

The Peking Acrobats mesmerize audiences the world over with their feats of agility, strength and precision. Their daring maneuvers atop a precarious pagoda of chairs, trick cycling, juggling, tumbling and nimble gymnastics keep crowds smiling, laughing and holding their breath. Their show transports timeless tradition to the 21st century through colorful ancient artistry, pushing the limits of human ability and defying gravity with amazing displays of contortion, flexibility and control. The Peking Acrobats create an experience that leaves spectators in awe.

One Book One U Keynote Event with author Daisy Hernández Presented by University of Miami Libraries

Join us to hear Daisy Hernández discuss her book, “The Kissing Bug: A True Story of a Family, an Insect, and a Nation's Neglect of a Deadly Disease,” the 2024-2025 One Book, One U selection for the University of Miami. Named by Time magazine as a top 10 best nonfiction book of 2021, and selected as a Finalist for the New American Voices Award and for the National Book Foundation’s Science + Literature program, “The Kissing Bug” was inspired by Hernández’s own family story. Growing up in a New Jersey factory town in the 1980s, Hernández believed that her aunt had become deathly ill from eating an apple. No one in her family, in either the United States or Colombia, spoke of infectious diseases. Even into her thirties, she only knew that her aunt had died of Chagas, a rare and devastating illness that affects the heart and digestive system. But as Hernández dug deeper, she discovered that Chagas—or the kissing bug disease—is more prevalent in the United States than the Zika virus. Through unsparing, gripping, and humane portraits, Hernández chronicles a story vast in scope and urgent in its implications, exposing how poverty, racism, and public policies have conspired to keep this disease hidden. A riveting and nuanced investigation into racial politics and for-profit healthcare in the United States, “The Kissing Bug” reveals the intimate history of a marginalized disease and connects us to the lives at the center of it all. A question and answer session will follow the presentation, and the author will be available to sign the book at the conclusion of the event.

Code/Art Fest 2025

Code/Art Fest is an annual gathering to celebrate the achievements of young female coders and to increase awareness of opportunities in computing fields. This one-of-a-kind conference is for students, parents, educators, technologists, artists, and anyone interested in the intersection of tech & art.

Picnic de Libros Presented by Koubek Center at Miami Dade College

Enjoy the next Family Picnic de Libros Presented by Koubek Center and Miami Book Fair. Picnic de Libros is a multidisciplinary, bilingual, and free event that aims to bring children closer to literature and the arts through stories, poems, crafts, tongue twisters, riddles, music, and more. There will also be picnic baskets full of books to read and enjoy. The next Picnic will feature: • Puppet craft workshop led by actress Danly Arango. • Storytelling by actor Saul Mendoza. • Flamenco class with Irene “La chiqui” Lozano • Creative Stage Productions and its funny characters

Fuacatapám La India Agripina Presented by University of Miami Libraries

Join us as we celebrate the launch of Iván Acosta's latest book, “Fuacatapám: La India Agripina.” The author will be joined by the book's editors, Lic. Luis Leonel León and Dr. Rolando Pérez, for an engaging conversation. A masterful blend of storytelling, magical realism, and biting political satire, the story of “Fuacatapám” follows La India Agripina and her companion Don Liborio—symbolizing the Cuban spirit—on a surreal journey through post-revolutionary Cuba. They encounter iconic historical figures like José Martí, Antonio Maceo, and Félix Varela, yet La India's sharp wit and irreverent humor flip expectations on their heads. With echoes of Lydia Cabrera’s Afro-Cuban magic and the choteo humor so intrinsic to Cuban culture, this whimsical yet poignant satire reflects on political repression and the complex legacy of revolution. Don’t miss this vibrant exploration of imagination and identity! This event will be presented in both English and Spanish languages.