Don Pasquale 2.0 Presented by The Opera Atelier

Don Pasquale 2.0 Presented by The Opera Atelier

Don Pasquale 2.0 takes a fresh look at Donizetti's masterpiece, bringing into the present, when 60 is the new 40.

In this new version by The Opera Atelier, Don Pasquale is a clever and energetic movie director who orchestrates the action to ensure that his nephew Ernesto becomes independent. A delightful comedy masterfully sung by Jorge Arcila as Don Pasquale, Giselle Elgarresta as Norina, Carlos Jimeno (9/29) and Anthony Zoeller (9/21) as Dr. Malatesta, Andres Lasaga as Ernesto, and Patricia Arcadi as the Notary.

Enjoy the twists and turns of the plot in this fast-moving full production of the beloved classic with virtual scenery by Jacqueline Solorzano and orchestral ensemble directed by Erzhan Kulibaev!

Pasquale, starring The Opera Atelier’s Jorge Arcila as Don Pasquale, Giselle Elgarresta as Norina, Andres Lasaga as Ernesto, Patricia Arcadi as Notary, and Carlos Jimeno as Dr. Malatesta. Conducted by Erzhan Kulivaev.

Age Appropriateness: 12 and more!

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Teens and young adults ages 13-22 can buy tickets for $5 using the Get Tickets button below. With the purchase of one $5 ticket for someone within the age range, a second $5 ticket can be purchased for an individual of any age to join them.

Regular priced tickets for all other ages available at